Irina Warner – filmmaker and artist
Irina Warner was born in Germany in the early 90s. She studied art at the University of Barcelona (UB) and documentary film at the University of Aix-Marseille (AMU) in France. In 2020, she realised her first documentary film: “Revivre le printemps”.
Since then, she has been collaborating with directors and production companies in France and Spain as a documentarian, assistant director/producer, editor and graphic designer.
My work with images, often in movement, emerges from observing, listening to and documenting the conflicts that occur in my environment on a micro and macropolitical scale.
It questions the feeling of permanent powerlessness I experience in the face of inequalities (ecological, economic, colonial and gender-related) and explores strategies of collective resistance, gestures of empathy and the possibility of developing other sensibilities and ways of living together. Collective and individual memory, myth or fiction are some of my vehicles to counteract the fear embedded in the experience of the present in an artistic way and to transform it into a learning process.